
Hi-Lo Books

Hi-Lo Books strive to reach readers who want to bring up their reading level with high-interest topics that have easier-to-read and understand text.
I specialize in hi-lo writing, diversifying class lessons, and adapting higher-level materials to a range of reading levels.

My Influential People biographies were published by Capstone Publishing in 2019.

I taught high school English to at-risk students in Milwaukee for fifteen years, and during that time I formed a teaching framework based on empathy, diversification, and love for literature, writing, and my students. My teaching influences my educational writing, and I've gained expertise in writing social-emotional lessons and stories. I've published poems, fiction, and nonfiction with National Geographic Learning, Compass Media, Pearson Education, and more. With People First Wisconsin, I mentor a plain language team of self-advocate leaders where we translate difficult-to-understand documents vital to the lives of people with disabilities into plain language.